One of the most interesting features that got me to download FireFox was its RSS capabilities. After about 10 minutes, I went back to the aggregator in Radio, which, in many ways, is still my favorite. Since that time, I've also been using NetNewsWire on my Mac. Its powerful, feature-rich, and very easy to use. However, in order to get everything out of it, I will have to move my blog over the Mac. Not that I am squeamish about it, I just like keeping my foot squarely in both camps. It definitely helps with the wide variety of questions I get every day.
Now Safari (Tiger) adds an RSS Reader. Actually, its old news, but I am curious to see if anyone is using it and what their reaction is. Its a consideration for upgrading Tiger, though it will probably take me another couple of months. In that vein, this definitely qualifies as geek news from macmerc - just in case anybody is interested:
With the release of Mac OS X 10.4, many users were excited about the addition of RSS syndication features to Safari v2. However, there is one feature that is clearly lacking from the final release. Safari v2 can not import OMPL files! Or, can it? Mac OS X Hints has published a short tip on importing OMPL files into Safari. For those of you looking for more RSS-related Safari v2 tips, Mac OS X Hints also has a few tips on opening all RSS feeds in one tab, using Safari's RSS reader as a GMail notifier, and changing Safari's RSS update frequency.
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