Scott Young's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 6/27/05; 4:47:04 PM.


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Monday, March 22, 2004

I attended an RSS Neighborhood meeting this morning hosted by Robert Scoble. The meeting was hosted at a restaurant and many more people showed up then the organizers expected. That was great. Everyone crowded into a corner and started talking.

It was fun, informative, and totally Scoble. RSS Neighborhood is a "discussion" format - nothing is really prepared and the participants tend to drive the discussion with their questions. There were some newbies in the group as well as some seasoned bloggers. Its a great community. Lots of topics were touched.  A few include:

  • the effect that RSS is having on various organizations and how it offers a channel to their customers and users if they just learn how to use it (there is a real trust factor to be gained by organizations who use it wisely)
  • weblogging in general and how having a popular blog can make you very visible to your management and how, at times, that can be complicated to manage
  • how blogging can enhance your career - make you visible to your peers and push you past your competitors both in term of mindshare and Google juice
  • how to balance blogging with the rest of your life

There were lots of other issues. I recommend the forum to anyone in the area. It reminded me why I like the bay area. An open discussion with no barriers. A very friendly interaction on an interesting topic with some very smart people.

Then I got back on I-680 and spent the next two hours trying to get back to the peninsula.  A victim of the phenomenon where traffic is basically gridlocked for over an hour then suddenly begins to move and there appears to be no reason why you were stopped for so long in the first place.  A minor complaint considering how nice the weather was today.

4:43:16 PM    comment []

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