Scott Young's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 6/29/05; 9:21:00 PM.


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Monday, June 6, 2005

UserLand is really pleased to announce the availability of Manila 9.5 for download. Manila 9.5 represents a major milestone for both UserLand and weblog publishing systems in general. We believe that the new features in the 9.5 release create a truly viable alternative for organizations looking to use weblogs to decrease reliance on overburdened email systems for both internal and external communication.

What makes this possible? - In addition to sophisticated access control features, Manila 9.5 adds version control, sophisticated access control, email authentication of new members, PodCasting support, and some amazing new developer features. As you would expect, complete RSS syndication support with separate feeds for each site, comments, discussion group posts, and news item departments (categories) is standard. Full RSS integration makes it easy to route items from feeds into or between your sites. There are also some great new tools to help control comment spam. With this major release, we have also simplified the interface for Preferences and Admin functions.

For more information, visit the Manila 9.5 Change Notes page.  

For a testdrive, visit our Manila Download page.

YeeeHaaaa !!!

5:33:11 PM    comment []

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