Scott Young's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 6/27/05; 4:56:22 PM.


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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Will writes on how RSS, Bloglines, and Manila -- let us know if you need some help here!!

Pushing Bloglines in the Classroom. So the health and phys ed teacher that I've mentioned here before came up today to talk about expanding his use of Weblogs, and I talked him through a scenario that stretched even my thinking about how to use Bloglines. Since Manila offers the ability to create separate RSS feeds for separate departments, there's no reason why he couldn't create folders in Bloglines that aggregate all of his students' homework in one, research in another, blogging posts in another, etc. It would take a bit to set up, but once it was, it would be easy keep track of the work of 24 students in that one spot. When I showed him the concept, he started talking about all sorts of other ways to use it. One department could be for their showcase portfolio. He could also aggregate the main feed in order to do a quick glance at what is new. And so on... We also talked about having mentors work with the groups and how they could be notified via RSS or even e-mail when new content was posted. (There could even be a "Ready for Feedback" department...) Between him and the teacher who was having all sorts of bloggy ideas last week...feels like a revolution in the making. [Weblogg-ed News]

5:40:40 PM    comment []

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