Wednesday, October 20, 2004 |
Smart Tag Stripper for Manila v1.0. Patrick Ritchie: Last friday a question was asked on the Manila Newbies mailing list: is there a a way to automatically remove MS Smart Tags from Manila documents? If you've ever run a Manila site, you know how annoying it is to try and paste some text in from Word. You get smart tags splattered all over your document, a real mess. Up until today your best solution was to take the text and paste it into notepad before pasting it into Manila. It works, but it's cumbersome and not very efficient. Welcome to the Smart Tag Stripper, it automatically searches your new and changed Manila messages looking for those nasty smart tags. When it finds one it strips it out, leaving you with a nice clean document. [the power of 0ne] [Jeff's Radio Weblog]
5:46:42 PM
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