Google Base
New Feature in Manila 9.6 Beta
Jake just posted a new feature on the Manila Beta root updates server - Arbitrary Member Names.
This feature is important because it does not require an email address
to log-in. This became crucially important for K-12 schools where kids
either did not have email addresses or their parents would not allow
them to give them out. (Quite understandable.)
Once we get a little feedback on this feature to make sure we got it right, I think we'll have the best blogging system for education. The moderation features we are also going to add will ensure that. Look for more information to appear on the Manila academic site shortly. The new feature consists of three parts:
Once we get a little feedback on this feature to make sure we got it right, I think we'll have the best blogging system for education. The moderation features we are also going to add will ensure that. Look for more information to appear on the Manila academic site shortly. The new feature consists of three parts:
- A new server-level preference for whether member names are required to be email addresses. The preference can be overridden on a per-site basis using the Admin site.
- A series of changes in Manila make adjustments to Manila's email behaviors, based on whether or not an email address can be determined for a member. This includes email notification for new/changed content, bulletins, and DG reply notifications.
- A new verb, manilaSuite.members.getMemberEmail, is provided for getting a member's email address, since the name of a member table is no longer guaranteed to be a valid email address itself. Manila calls this verb whenever it needs to send email to a member.
Long Flight
Doc Searls posted on Boeing 777-200LR setting a distance record
for a commercial jetliner by flying from Hong Kong to Heathrow over
North America. The long range capabilities of these aircraft are truly
amazing, however, whether the passengers are actually capable of that
length of flight remains an open question.
Darwin Award Candidate
The Kansas State Board of Education approved a proposal
to teach intelligent design along with evolution as a scientific
explanation for how life began. Now, does that qualify them for a Darwin Award...
Knowledgeorama OPML Directory Tool
Andy Sylvester sent an
email this morning announcing that he had just launched a new weblog
using Radio and wanted to let us know about a new Radio UserLand
tool that he developed for creating OPML directories. He calls it
DirectoryTool and it allows you to:
I can't wait to try it out. Thanks for the note Andy.
- Create directory files using the Radio UserLand outliner.
- Generate HTML files corresponding to the OPML file directory structure.
- Automatically upload your directory to your Radio UserLand weblog.
I can't wait to try it out. Thanks for the note Andy.
Incomplete Features in Manila 9.6 Beta 2
One item that I receive some questions on has to do with what Jake is describing as an "incomplete feature"
relative to the beta 2 release. Though there are an amazing number of
new features in the second release - one that several folks have been
waiting for - will go into the beta 3 release. Its the ability to have
a members' log in not require a valid email address. This turns out to
be a really important feature for K-12 bloggers.
The text of the change note --
The text of the change note --
Arbitrary Login Name: A new in-progress feature, scheduled for Manila
9.6b3, makes it possible to remove the requirement that members' logins
be valid email addresses. This feature is intended primarily for K-12
users, who may not have, and may not be allowed to have (or reveal)
their own email addresses. This feature is incomplete and currently has
no visible effect on Manila's normal behavior.
A Quick Note on the Just Released Manila 9.6 Beta 2
A group of new features have been added to Manila 9.6 now in the Beta 2 version. Please visit the site to try out the new features. Specific change notes are also available. These new features include:
All in all some excellent additions to the Manila 9.6 beta software. Look for more information on these new features here and on the UserLand Blog in the very near future.
- Context-sensitive help
- Ability to specify member passwords
- Ability to revert news items to pending status
- More MetaWeblog API Enhancements
- Enhancements to includeMessage for shortcuts and site structure to make sites and themes more portable just to name a few
All in all some excellent additions to the Manila 9.6 beta software. Look for more information on these new features here and on the UserLand Blog in the very near future.
Happy Holloween
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holloween.
Just a note: if you have never been to Kansas City on Holloween. This is a reason to go - besides the good food. Anyone familiar with the West Bottoms area knows that the area is creepy to begin with - now throw in some really amazing haunted houses and you can see why so many people visit.
Just a note: if you have never been to Kansas City on Holloween. This is a reason to go - besides the good food. Anyone familiar with the West Bottoms area knows that the area is creepy to begin with - now throw in some really amazing haunted houses and you can see why so many people visit.
Issues for Young People and Blogging
Some schools are asking students or creating policies requiring students to remove their blogs from the public internet.
The article is about a Roman Catholic high school ordering its students to remove personal blogs from the Internet. They are not talking about censorship, they are trying to protect young people from cyberpredators. I've heard similar stories from several educators who are worried that the combination of blogging and student's general greater willingness to provide personal information on-line can to be a dangerous combination.
Though the article pushes the "no blogging policy" towards a free speech debate, its really more about responsible Internet use for teens and giving students a "safer" place to blog. As schools continue their adoption of blogging tools as a great way to communicate in the classroom and help kids learn to write, they also need to consider their potential downside and find ways to mitigate that danger.
I think we all have a lot to learn here.
The article is about a Roman Catholic high school ordering its students to remove personal blogs from the Internet. They are not talking about censorship, they are trying to protect young people from cyberpredators. I've heard similar stories from several educators who are worried that the combination of blogging and student's general greater willingness to provide personal information on-line can to be a dangerous combination.
Though the article pushes the "no blogging policy" towards a free speech debate, its really more about responsible Internet use for teens and giving students a "safer" place to blog. As schools continue their adoption of blogging tools as a great way to communicate in the classroom and help kids learn to write, they also need to consider their potential downside and find ways to mitigate that danger.
I think we all have a lot to learn here.
Emerging Trend
I keep wanting to do more on my blog, but somehow just keep running out
of time. I guess I'm going to have to use those wasted hours between
1am and 5am to do something besides sleep.
Anyway, I am really noticing an emerging trend among companies and their increasing interest in developing a blogging capability. While it was focused primarily on internal projects for the first half of this year, the focus has definitely grown to include developing a strategies for external blogging.
The goal, of course, is to develop a group of internal bloggers that can be unleashed upon the outside world. Could it be that the corporate world has really discovered that its easier to participate in the dialogue rather then try to create and control it? It was always impossible, but simply recognizing that is a giant leap forward.
With the number of consumers who are blogging and/or reading blogs (insert your favorite statistic here) as a basic news source, it would seem to be a great direction to go with corporate communications. Imagine a real (rather then contrived) nationwide focus group - all you have to do is listen and respond where appropriate. Its great to see these emerging strategies move us beyond spam and blind advertising?
Anyway, I am really noticing an emerging trend among companies and their increasing interest in developing a blogging capability. While it was focused primarily on internal projects for the first half of this year, the focus has definitely grown to include developing a strategies for external blogging.
The goal, of course, is to develop a group of internal bloggers that can be unleashed upon the outside world. Could it be that the corporate world has really discovered that its easier to participate in the dialogue rather then try to create and control it? It was always impossible, but simply recognizing that is a giant leap forward.
With the number of consumers who are blogging and/or reading blogs (insert your favorite statistic here) as a basic news source, it would seem to be a great direction to go with corporate communications. Imagine a real (rather then contrived) nationwide focus group - all you have to do is listen and respond where appropriate. Its great to see these emerging strategies move us beyond spam and blind advertising?
Supporting OPML
Quick Thoughts on BlogOn 2005
It was a significantly different conference than I anticipated. It
was an amazing system of contradictions: on one hand, a relatively
mature set of traditional A-List bloggers and tools makers confronting
a room full of advertising / PR and corporate types who were
discovering the "blogosphere" for the first time.
Listening to the folks from McDonalds, Daimler/Chrysler, and Sprint describe the legal complexity, fear, and trepidation they experienced as they created their first external corporate blogs was amazing. More on that later...
Listening to the folks from McDonalds, Daimler/Chrysler, and Sprint describe the legal complexity, fear, and trepidation they experienced as they created their first external corporate blogs was amazing. More on that later...
See You at BlogOn
Manila 9.6 Release Getting Closer
We are starting to get pretty close to releasing Manila 9.6 and have
just a few more features / issues we would like to address. One often
requested feature is to be able to have site members whose user names
are not email addresses. This is particularly important for our K-12
educational users. Often kids in the lower grades don't have email
accounts or there are specific reasons why their email address can't be
provided. This requires a bit of work to make sure we avoid duplicates
and provide choices in the event a user name is already in use.
Mods to the New Theme
I'm still working on the new weblog design. There are still some
elements that I want to modify. The Blogroll comes from the list of
subscriptions in the aggregator. Trying to format them so they are a
bit more pleasing to the eye has been tricky. It looks like I will end
up pointing to an OPML file that I can format.
New Look
In case you didn't notice, I changed my site's theme. It still needs a bit of work, but I'll get there.